Peace Arch Temporary Maternity Diversion Patient Information
For expectant individuals planning to have their babies at Peace Arch Hospital
In response to a temporary gap in pediatrician coverage at Peace Arch Hospital, Fraser Health is asking
expectant individuals who have pre-existing plans to deliver at Peace Arch Hospital to attend Langley Memorial
Hospital for their delivery during the period of July 8 to 19.
Temporary diversions are part of our regular operating procedure and are used when there is a gap in service
coverage. They are intended to provide the best and safest care for patients at any time, using our extensive
network of hospitals and health care services.
Below are answers to some questions you may have about this temporary diversion of Maternity services. If
you have additional questions, please contact your family physician and/or your midwife.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is happening?
In response to a temporary gap in pediatrician coverage at Peace Arch Hospital, Fraser Health is asking
pregnant individuals requiring labour and delivery support to not proceed to the hospital during the period of
July 8 to July 19.
Expectant individuals who have pre-existing plans to deliver at Peace Arch Hospital should attend Langley
Memorial Hospital for their delivery.
Fraser Health made the decision to implement this temporary diversion to ensure a high level of care for
expecting individuals.
I’m already scheduled to give birth at Peace Arch Hospital. Where should I go?
During the diversion period, impacted patients will be notified directly by their physicians or midwives to
discuss their birth plan and ensure their needs are met.
You should discuss the plan for your labour and delivery with your physician and/or midwife to ensure you go
to the right place. During the diversion period, if you go into labour you will be directed by your caregiver to
proceed to Langley Memorial Hospital.
What do I do if I go into labour before I leave home?
If you feel that labour has started, please contact your physician and/or midwife and proceed to Langley
Memorial Hospital to be assessed by a doctor and nurses.
If it is an emergency, please proceed directly to the nearest emergency room to your home and a physician will
assess what care you require. If you believe you are having complications, you should call 9-1-1.
What do I do if I have questions before I leave my home?
If you have questions before you leave home, please call your physician and/or midwife, or call the Peace Arch
Hospital Maternity unit at 604-541-5826.
July 2, 2021
Where do I go when I get to Langley Memorial Hospital?
If you are having your baby at Langley Memorial Hospital, please enter the main entrance of the hospital and
proceed to admitting to register. After you have registered, take the elevator to the third floor Langley Memorial
Hospital Maternity unit. After 4:30, go through the Emergency Department and register prior to proceeding to
the Maternity unit.
Who do I contact if I have questions and will be going to Langley Memorial Hospital?
If you want to speak to a labour and delivery nurse at Langley Memorial Hospital, or have general questions,
please call 604-514-6034.